Little Lambs Nursery Blogs

Is Your Baby a Picky Eater?

Babies, eh? At times your kid appears to turn their nose up in resistance to everything you fed them. Then as a child, they’ll only eat noodles or fries and breaded nuggets. Oh, and you’ll be fortunate to get just one tiny piece of veg past their lips. Undoubtedly, bringing up a fussy kid can be stressful for you especially if they are schoolgoers. Perhaps you’ve been looking for the best nursery school near you to take them but their eating habits worries you. Let’s see why your child is a finicky eater while discovering the best nursery schools in Manhkool.

Yes, your kid’s attitude could be erratic, which often results in a meltdown during meals. Nobody likes to be enslaved by the whims of a small food dictator, so how do you get your child to stop being a picky eater? There are many ways you can do to help them become contented little eaters if you strive to understand why they have fussy eating habits.

Why is your kid a picky eater?

Finicky eating is certainly a condition that many parents and caregivers face. But why are babies so fussy about what they eat? The straight answer is that the majority of kids undergo a finicky eating phase between the ages of one and three. It could be due to developmental factors: they’re experiencing sluggish weight gain, are transitioning into the exploration stage and aren’t intrigued by sit-down meals, are exhibiting independence, are discovering their likes and dislikes, have an underdeveloped digestive system, have an infection, have a food allergy, or simply aren’t ready for solid foods yet.

Fussy eating is also partly hereditary. Some kids are just pickier than others. Research has shown that our receptivity to particular tastes is inherited. Our forefathers ingrained in us a natural fear of unfamiliar foods as a defense against consuming something poisonous. In the same way, we pick sweet foods over sour ones since our instincts signal us the latter may be unpleasant or even harmful.

Many parents fret about picky eating as they are afraid that their kids aren’t eating enough. Thus, teaching your child healthy eating habits at a young age is a great start. But there could be reasons why they are being fussy: perhaps they are teething or they are simply tired/bored of eating a particular meal!

Understanding the Signs

Picky eating indicators can appear obvious: your kid might push away the bowl/spoon or tilt their head away from it. When you try feeding them, they may shut their mouths, spit out the food, or become fussy or exhausted. However, these signs may not necessarily indicate that your child is fussy. They can also indicate that your child is simply full, preoccupied, or unwell.

A fussy baby who prefers limited food intake normally doesn’t warrant concern provided they have a normal weight gain and growth and are achieving prerequisite milestones. However, if you are concerned about feeding issues with your baby, consider consulting a pediatrician.

Tips for Dealing with a Finicky Eater

  • Don’t force issues: If you force them to eat despite these symptoms, they may begin to associate eating with stress and discomfort.
  • Try different textures: Like adults, babies have food preferences too. While some people prefer finger meals, others could prefer wet foods.
  • Change the tempo: Babies differ in how quickly or slowly they desire to eat. There’s just one way to discover this: Try slowing down or hastening in the manner you feed them.
  • Allow them to touch the food: Let your child touch an unfamiliar dish before serving it. Follow their developmental timeline. The majority of babies start consuming solid foods between four and six months of age, while some may begin earlier or later.
  • Be patient with them: Some kids may need to attempt a meal 8, 10, or even 15, times before they can like it, therefore be patient and return the rejected meal over time.
  • Let them participate: Some babies like feeding themselves. Also, allowing them to take charge is essential for their growth and development.
  • Minimize distractions: Make eating the main course of meals. Shut off the TV, take away the toys, and assist your kid in concentrating on just one task: eating.

Babies, eh? At times your kid appears to turn their nose up in resistance to everything you fed them. Then as a child, they’ll only eat noodles or fries and breaded nuggets. Oh, and you’ll be fortunate to get just one tiny piece of veg past their lips. Undoubtedly, bringing up a fussy kid can…